Resolution for Removal of Speaker Dy. Speaker
Adjournment Motions Discussed Bills passed Budget Speeches Confidence / No Confidence Motions Discussion under Rule 205 B Discussion under Rule 58 Ex-Members of KLA Duration of Assemblies President's Rule Important Privilege Issues Landmark Legislations Motions under Rule 130 Motions under Rule 275 Adopted by the House Ordinances Promulgated since 1957 Petitions presented to the House since 1957 Speakers since 1957 Resolution for Removal of Speaker Dy. Speaker Statements under Rule 300

Eleventh KLA | Eighth KLA | Sixth KLA | Third KLA




























Eleventh KLA

Resolution for Removal of Shri. Vakkom Purushothaman 
The resolution for Removal of Shri. Vakkom Purushothaman, Speaker, given notice by Shri. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan under Article 179(C) of the constitution as 20.1.2004 was discussed in the House as 04.2.2004. Since the resolution had got only 37 votes it was declared lost. 






















Eighth KLA

Resolution for Removal of Shri. Varkala Radhakrishnan - notice withdrawn
The resolution given notice of by Shri. M.M. Hassan for removal of Shri. Varkala Radhakrishnan, Speaker was posted for discussion on 4th April 1988. Since Shri. M.M. Hassan had withdrawn the notice on 2nd April, 1988 it was not discussed in the House.

Resolution for Removal of Shri. Varkala Radhakrishnan - notice lapsed

On February 8, 1990, the House granted leave to Shri. T.M. Jacob to move the following resolution.
"This House resolves to remove Shri. Varkala Radhakrishnan from the office of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Kerala on the following ground:-
He has failed to discharge his official functions in a fair, proper and impartial manner as the Speaker of the Assembly".
The resolution was posted for discussion on February 8th itself.
Since the demand of Shri. K. Karunakaran, Leader of opposition to postpone the discussion on the resolution to another day was not agreed to the Opposition Members walked out of the House and abstained from participating in the proceedings.
When the Dy. Speaker called upon the mover to move the resolution, since Shri. T.M. Jacob was absent, it was not moved. Thereupon the Dy.Speaker ruled that the resolution had lapsed.












Sixth KLA

Resolution for Removal of Shri. A.C. Jose - Put to vote and declared lost

The following resolution given notice of by Shri. A.K. Sasheendren was discussed by the House on 5th March, 1982.
"This House resolves to remove Shri.A.C.Jose from the office of the speaker of Legislative Assembly on the following grounds:
He, by exercising the casting vote in favour of a Government which does not enjoy the confidence of the house has acted on a partisan way."
The resolution was discussed and put to vote and since the resolution did not get the required majority under Article 179(c) of the constitution the resolution was declared lost.



















Third KLA


Resolution for Removal of Shri. D. Damodaran Potti - Notice withdrawn

The following resolution given notice of by Shri. P. Govinda Pillai on 4th October 1969 was mentioned in the House on 6th October, 1964.

"The Kerala Legislative Assembly notes with regret that the Speaker has committed a series of irregularities and improprieties and given a number of untenable and contradictory rulings. He has spoken in public and to the press outside in a manner derogatory to the dignity and harmful to the smooth functioning of the Assembly. On 22nd August, he refused to give a ruling on an important point of order and on 3rd October he misrepresented the proceedings of the Assembly to the press. He stated outside that the Assembly passed a resolution, which in fact was never put to vote at all. He left the Assembly in huf and stated to the press that it was voted upon and passed. This amounts to a breach of privilege. There is reason to believe that these gross irregularities were perpetrated to serve certain political interests at the bidding of certain political parties with whom he has entered into an unholy alliance.
Hence this House resolves that the Speaker be removed from his office for his partisan and illegal conduct."

Shri. P. Govinda pillai withdrew his notice on 17-10-1969.Hence the matter was not discussed by the House.
